24 Exposure Film Photography Challenge

24 Exposures Film Challenge

I created this challenge as a way to help get me out of a creative rut.  The plan will be to take one camera, one roll of film, and one lens, to complete the challenge. If you are like me and also shoot on occasion with a Holga, then you can either select any 12 from below, or just go with the first 12, or even last 12.  Whatever.  Just make it fun.

  1. Street
  2. Stranger
  3. Food
  4. Light
  5. Dark
  6. Texture
  7. Animal
  8. Dirty
  9. Glass
  10. Landscape
  11. Portrait
  12. Nature
  13. Floral
  14. Colors
  15. Work
  16. Door
  17. Clean
  18. Warning
  19. Liquid
  20. Home
  21. Strong
  22. Self
  23. Focus
  24. Lock

If you are looking to share your results online, here are a few graphics sized for Instagram and Instagram stories you are free to use.

Instagram Story

Film Challenge - IG Story

Instagram Grid

Film Challenge -IG

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